Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Vermont Government Finance Officers Association
PO Box 1652
Montpelier, VT 05601
Below please find our current board members and their contact information. To send an email to the VTGFOA general mailbox, click here.
Vermont Government Finance Officers Association
PO Box 1652
Montpelier, VT 05601
Below please find our current board members and their contact information. To send an email to the VTGFOA general mailbox, click here.
Angela Aldieri
VTGFOA Title: President Employment Title: Finance Director City of Winooski 27 West Allen Street Winooski, VT 05404 Phone: (802) 655-6410 x15 Jennifer Silpe-Katz VTGFOA Title: 1st Vice President Employment Title: Finance Officer & Human Resources Administrator Town of Underhill PO Box 120 Underhill, VT 05489 Phone: (802) 899-4434 Cheryl A. Lindberg VTGFOA Title: Treasurer Employment Title: Town Treasurer Town of Norwich PO Box 376 Norwich, VT 05055 Phone: (802) 649-1678 Jess Morris VTGFOA Title: Secretary Employment Title: Finance Director Village of Essex Junction 2 Lincoln Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 Phone: (802) 857-0117 |
Martha Machar
VTGFOA Title: Board Member Employment Title: Finance Director City of South Burlington 180 Market Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 383-1789 Shirley Goodell-Lackey VTGFOA Title: Board Member Employment Title: Director of Finance & HR Town of Williston 7900 Williston Road Williston, VT 05495 Phone: (802) 876-1164 Elizabeth King VTGFOA Title: Board Member Employment Title: Controller Vermont Bond Bank 100 Bank St, Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 Phone: (802) 654-7377 BettyJean Bogue VTGFOA Title: Board Member Employment Title: Finance Assistant / Utility Administrator Town of Shelburne P.O. Box 88 5420 Shelburne Road Shelburne, VT 05482 Phone: (802) 985-5120 |